Friday, August 8, 2014

Supporting our Schools

As pastor of a new church start, I feel strongly that a church should be about missionoutward focused.  Quite honestly, many become church planters because they get frustrated with local congregations who seem so stuck, especially when they are stuck on themselves.  From my experience, it doesn’t matter of a church is a year old or 300 years old—if a church is not outwardly focused, if all it does is concern itself with itself, then it is dying.  I have seen older congregations, perhaps even small in size, vibrant with God’s activity.  Why?  Because they claimed the power of God’s transformational work through Jesus Christ!  They were mission oriented, and they reached out to people outside their doors.

I celebrate that Hope United has done much for our community, especially given our young age and small size!  And yet, I feel God moving us to consider even more ways to reach out, to work on an area of justice, to live out our faith.  When sharing this with our leadership team, we feel the Spirit leading us in the direction of education—to focus on this issue as a congregation.

So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27

Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray. -Proverbs 22:6

Created in the image of God, we recognize God’s gift of learning and how education can help one to be a better steward of one’s gifts.  We have covenanted to:

  • Support our local community schools
  • Educate ourselves about the issues
  • Advocate on behalf of our children

Please understand that we are taking this interest in community education because of our faith.  We know that God loves all of God’s children.  And for those who are poor or who lack choices in their lives, we know that education can be the step ladder to a better life.  Not only has God blessed us with a keen intellect and creativity, but it is our responsibility as good stewards of God’s blessing to nurture the gift of learning so that we can be all that God wants us to be.

Here are some things you can do to help:
Pray for our schools.  We have partnered with Annie Purl Elementary, but perhaps there is another school that is closer to you.  Pray for our students and their families.  Pray for our teachers, aides, and administrators.  Pray for everyone who helps—custodians, counselors, lunch crew, nurse, and volunteers.
Collect School Supplies.  Hope United is currently collecting school supplies for local elementary students at Annie Purl.  In addition to the standard supplies needed by each student, we are also collecting supplies for the Art and Counseling departments.  In lieu of donating items, you can make a donation to Hope United and we will purchase supplies for you.  Simply note that your contribution is for “School Supplies.”  Click here todownload a school supply list at Annie Purl Elementary.  And if you don’t live in the area, perhaps there is another school you can help.
Mentor a Child.  For those children without a good role model, this is vital to a child’s self-esteem.  Every person should know someone cares about them!  Click here to learn aboutmentoring a child in Georgetown.  Or find out how you can mentor in your school.
Support a teacher or classroom.  Every teacher needs help in his or her classroom for those extra events that make learning so special, including special needs.  Also, please let our teachers know they are appreciated.  Write a short note, offer a card or small gift; let those who are taking care of and educating our children that they are doing important work!
Advocate for increased funding of our community schools.  Education is an investment our nation and state cannot live without!  Make your voice known!

In the weeks and months ahead, I will return to this Focus on Education, letting you know other ways to help.  We’ve begun by collecting school supplies, but there will be other opportunities for service, support, and advocacy in the future!

Ron Trimmer is pastor of Hope United, a new church in Georgetown, Texas.  Click here to visit Hope United’s website.

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