4 years. It was four years ago this month that Jan and I moved to Georgetown to start a new church. We didn’t even have the name yet, and the vision was still taking shape. Heck, we didn’t have anything but a dream and a willingness to jump off cliffs. I’ve been preaching on Abraham and Sarah, looking at the story through the lens of Hope United, so that has all contributed. In my first letter asking for financial support from friends, family, and colleagues, I mentioned Abraham and Sarah—kindred spirits.
We were crazy. No doubt about it—we were crazy! The height of the financial crises, and Jan doesn’t have a job, just a hope she’ll get employed by some school district here (everyone needs good school teachers, right? Not at that time. No one was hiring.). I was at the top of my preacher game (ha!). I met the perfect criteria: good preacher with a young family. And so I leave security and a pay check to start a church. We didn’t have any income coming in for 4 months, and then a small salary—just what I could string together from early fundraising.
Ben and Aaron, August 2009 |
Jan didn’t get a job that year, but she did start subbing, and in January of 2010, she got a long term sub at Annie Purl. She impressed the principal (she is an awesome teacher!), and he hired her the next school year.
We bought a house, put down roots.
February 2010 |
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First Worship Service, Easter 2010 |
We held our first worship service at the library in the evening on Easter. I remember … I preached on the Walk to Emmaus text from Luke. Good stuff. And a little over a year later (October 2010), we started worshiping every Sunday.
I can’t take credit. Really, I can't. I give my wife a ton of credit though … putting up with me, believing in me. But the real credit goes to God. The Lord is doing such amazing things now in Hope United. I stand back in awe.
Although I’ve had my days—planting a church is not easy and I’ve been through the emotional, soul-wrenching meat grinder a few times. But the mountain-tops have been utterly breath-taking, and I’ve caught a glimpse of the Kingdom.
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” –Genesis 12:1-3
Ron Trimmer is pastor of Hope United, a new church in Georgetown, Texas. Click here to visit Hope United's website.
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